Today was an interesting day as we had a guest come by to look at horses. These kind of visits, for me, leave me hanging and wondering if i have done all the right things. I have had horses for a very long time and showing horses for sale always leaves me wondering. Like serving a meal and your guest just leaves without any comment on your dinner.

I showed three horses. All in various price ranges, and stages of training. One horse,
4 yr old gelding (sire is a horse named
Tri - colore)did a superb job, jumped a course, did his lead changes, and was as far as Im concerned a star (and i may be a tad biased!) .
The other horse was a little more experienced. A 7 yr old TB mare with some showing experience. She did a wonderful round. The young rider (she is 13) wasn't sure what to expect. She did a wonderful job and showed the horse like a pro. Thanks. The horse yanked its knees up to its eyeballs and cantered down the lines in steady rhythmic fashion.

The final horse has been at this stable for 3 weeks now and although is 5 yrs old has just started jumping last week. her legs are clean and is impeccably bred. (sire =
Popeye-K ) She cantered around the little jumps and took them all in stride... literally.
I certainly appreciated that they came and looked and knew right away what they liked and didn't continue to jump and jump and jump. Thanks everyone fro a great showing now we wait!....